2020 WSRBA Convention Canceled
May 6, 2020
Dear WSRBA Friends,
It is with deep regret that we announce the cancelation of the 2020 WSRBA Convention. Yesterday, our venue, the Grant County fairgrounds, informed us that the facility would be closed through July 13, 2020 due to the state mandated COVID-19 restrictions.
We understand how deeply disappointing that this is to our friends, exhibitors, and visitors. Many of us look forward each year to attending the Convention, meeting old friends, making new friends, and enjoying the camaraderie of showing the rabbits and cavies we raised this past year.
Your WSRBA Board have looked into many options regarding the cancellation or postponement of our Convention. The board ultimately decided that postponement was not feasible due to the large costs involved in putting on WSRBA Convention and the strong possibility that a postponed Convention would not bring in enough revenue to offset costs.
In addition, there were many concerns that facilities and judges may not be available at a later date. Therefore, the WSRBA Board voted unanimously last night to cancel the WSRBA Convention and to hold our next WSRBA Convention June 25th, 26th and 27th, 2021.
The WSRBA Board also chose to hold our youth contests online!! This way our youth will be able to compete safely from home! Applications are still due May 15, 2020. The Youth Committee will announce further details by Friday, May 8th at 5 PM. These details will be posted to the WSRBA website (WSRBA.net) and the WSRBA Youth Contests Facebook group. If you have questions about the youth contests, please contact the Youth Chairperson, Aggie Mowry at 509-430-4204 (text preferred) or .
Those who have placed in the 2019 WSRBA Sweepstakes contest will have their award mailed in June once we complete the award calculations.
We look forward to seeing you at our 2021 WSRBA Convention!!
Your WSRBA Board,
Denise M. Konzek
Corresponding Secretary